Where the snit hits the fan.

April 29, 2024


Welcome to The Unvarnished Truth — the sadly, long forgotten blog that airs the misadventures and grievances of a toiling, relatively unknown rock & roll quartet.
In the name of the Easter holiday and procrastinating musos everywhere, let the resurrection begin.

Your favorite dapper band (I presume that’s us) donned our Sunday best for a show on Friday, April 26th at the venerable Edmonton venue known as Chromozone Showcase Room. Nothing makes ya feel like a pro more than the support one gets from the staff at The ‘Zone (note to self: you still owe the bar for a triple tequila).

Speaking of notes…. I jotted down the following smart phone entries during the afternoon load-in:

Staff is awesome.
Green room is cool.
Jeff claims that he’s cool.

The only proof of the latter statement I have is the included photo that neither confirms nor denies this claim. In other words… YOU, dear reader, be the judge.

In other news…. I misplaced my hat. With the state of higgledy-piggledy that is load-in/soundcheck, I’d forgotten that I’d forgotten the chapeau — the very thing that defines my persona, gives me my power and titillates older ladies — at home. After we finished with the pre-show check, I raced home in my trusty steed, Blackie (a well travelled Jeep Liberty), and retrieved said headgear. Didn’t help. I still cacked a few notes.

Hot diggity potatoes! If you’ve never been to the Chromozone venue before, you’re a deprived (not depraved) human being. The sound! The lights! The smells! It’s intimate yet spectacular…. tasteful yet bombastic…. peanut butter yet jam. Go to a show there. And support the many bands, original and cover, that sweat their privates off for you. Did I mention the smells?

Our good friends Yikes opened the show resplendent in their red outfits. Or crimson outfits. Whatever. The point is they’re the only band who can intimidate us visually.
And musically? It’s the heaviest we’ve ever seen them! They rocked HARD, y’all.

And now up next, please welcome the jingle-jangly, NON-hard rock stylings of SAWBONES. Yikes, indeed. A tough act to follow. As rippin’ a live act they are, they’re equally so the nicest fellas to ever wear the RCMP colours. They even invited Jeff and I onstage to recreate our small parts of their 2020 song, “Oh Maybelline”. It was fun to sing with Scott and I think I’ve never seen Jeff happier playing a tambourine.

Thanks to those coveted loved ones that came down to share this wonderful experience with us… including anyone sporting SAWBONES finery. And also including my pal Jason who, every time he sees my mom in attendance, feels the need to smooch her right on the face much to her joy/chagrin.

Thank you for reading. Don’t be a sucklebutt. Support live music.